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At present, the portion sizes seem to be much larger than they were decades ago. And many of us we have no problem in sitting in front of a large portion of our favorite food, which usually means one thing, a lot of calories.One way to reverse a weight problem is to gradually reduce the size of the portions for all meals. Doing so has the added benefit of being able to eat the foods we enjoy.
So why is it better to make small meals?
Our digestive system works best with small amounts of new energy and nutrients at once, therefore if you make a meal and consume more energy than your body requires a specific time, more are the chances that the body accumulates as fat. Smaller meals help because there are fewer chances of accumulating energy as fat. Then, while your body can burn excess fat, you can continue burning the old warehouses and accelerate fat burning potential as well.
Eating more often also helps provide the protein body regularly to maintain muscle tissue. And the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism and faster fat burning potential. Frequent meals are another benefit. They keep you feel full and that feeling of heaviness typical of large meals. After a big meal, we have no desire to move for hours, until the food is completely digested. This result in that not give you like doing other things for a few hours. A small meal is digested too quickly enables you to continue your activities by making more energy and burn fat deposits.
So small meals often have a triple benefit for weight loss.
Consuming fewer calories
Increases metabolism
Minus effects of swelling and heaviness.
How do you reduce portions then?
Drink a glass of water before meals, add small amounts of food to the plate after finishing a good time waiting to see if you really feel hungry.
Use a smaller plate, if you need more tips to reduce fat and change the composition of your body through a healthy balanced diet, and exercise, you need to read Your Body Ideal. With Your Ideal Body, there is a healthy and safe alternative to use the science of nutrition to your advantage and begin to achieve the changes you desire in your body permanently.
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